Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Love is...

...walking to the kitchen to get some more coffee only to find that your girlfriend left her travel cup on the mail table on the way out the door and then being like cool i'm gonna drink it and then tasting it and realizing it has nasty-ass splenda in it and then being like nah it's cool i'll drink it anyway.

oh wait, that's not love. that's just plain old lazy.


juliasaurus said...

Love is accepting the fact that your girlfriend uses splenda and not complaining like a little bitch about it

Love is appreciating the fact that your girlfriend is willing to drink coffee with splenda so that her teeth don't rot and she maintains her incredibly sexy figure by a)not putting teaspoon after teaspoon of sugar in her coffee and b)not eating full bags of gummie lifesavers

love is loving your girlfriend not matter what she does

love is love is love is love.

juliasaurus said...

oh man, love is loving your girlfriend even when she makes typos

love is loving your girlfriend no matter what she does

baehr said...

Love is waking up in a dutch oven because your vegetarian girlfriend farts like a goddamn tuba and smiling because you just farted, too.

Also, did I not just state quite clearly that drinking your nasty-ass splenda'ed coffee is not love, but laziness?

Also, dare you imply that I pour teaspoon after teaspoon of sugar in my coffee? You know i decry such practice.

Also, Gummi LifeSavers are amazing. Step.